- Cardiovascular Medicine Book
- Dentistry Book
- Dermatology Book
- Emergency Medicine Book
- Endocrinology Book
- Gastroenterology Book
- Geriatric Medicine Book
- Gynecology Book
- Hematology and Oncology Book
- Human Immunodeficiency Virus Book
- Infectious Disease Book
- Jokes Book
- Mental Health Book
- Neonatology Book
- Nephrology Book
- Neurology Book
- Obstetrics Book
- Ophthalmology Book
- Orthopedics Book
- Otolaryngology Book
- Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Book
- Pediatrics Book
- Pharmacology Book
- Practice Management Book
- Prevention Book
- Pulmonology Book
- Radiology Book
- Rheumatology Book
- Sports Medicine Book
- Surgery Book
- Urology Book
- C H A P T E R S
- Antepartum Disorders Chapter
- Examination Chapter
- Fetal Disorders Chapter
- Gastroenterology Chapter
- General Chapter
- Hematology and Oncology Chapter
- Hemorrhage Chapter
- Infectious Disease Chapter
- Lactation Disorders Chapter
- LAD Chapter
- Mental Health Chapter
- Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Chapter
- Pediatrics Chapter
- Pharmacology Chapter
- Postpartum Disorders Chapter
- Prevention Chapter
- Procedure Chapter
- Radiology Chapter
- Surgery Chapter
Chapter Preview Window
The Obstetrics Book is composed of 207 topic pages which are organized into 19 Chapters.
Chapter Preview
Select a chapter from the list at left and topics within that chapter will be listed here in the preview window. Use the scroll bar at left to see all 19 chapter titles.
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Many topics fit into multiple chapters and these inter-relationships are best viewed at the chapter level. When a chapter is selected at left, two buttons will be available to navigate to the chapter: (1) A green arrow button on the chapter list at left and (2) the chapter heading at the top of this preview window. Neither of these buttons are available when this chapter overview is selected.
The fastest way to find a topic is by using the search box at the top right of every page.
Antepartum Disorders Chapter
- Emergency Medicine
- Ectopic Pregnancy
- Heterotopic Pregnancy
- Fetal Disorders
- Late Pregnancy Loss
- Fetal Foot Measurement
- Multiple
- Multiple Gestation
- Postterm
- Post-term Pregnancy
- Preterm
- Preterm Labor
- Premature Rupture of Membranes
- Preterm Labor Management
- Unintended
- Unintended Pregnancy
- Mifepristone and Misoprostol Protocol for Early Pregnancy Loss
Examination Chapter
- Antepartum Disorders
- First Obstetric Visit
- Routine Obstetric Visit
- Pregnancy Dating
- Pelvimetry
- Pregnancy Symptoms
- Hegar's Sign
- Uterine Size
- Approach
- Gravidity
- Lactation Disorders
- LATCH Score for Breastfeeding Assessment
- Cervical Examination in Labor
- Bishop Score
- Leopold's Maneuvers
- Fetal Station
- Fetal Lie
- Fetal Presentation
- Fetal Vertex Position
Fetal Disorders Chapter
- Antepartum Disorders
- Maternal Risks to the Fetus
- Developmental Disorder
- Embryology
- Embryo Development
- Exposure
- Teratogen Exposure
- Growth Disorders
- Fetal Growth
- Fetal Macrosomia
- Intrauterine Growth Retardation
- Early Onset Growth Restriction
- Late Onset Growth Restriction
- Peripartum Risk to the Fetus
- Diagnostics
- Fetal Monitoring
- Fetal Testing Indications
- Biophysical Profile
- Fetal Heart Tracing
- Continuous Electronic Fetal Monitoring
- Structured Intermittent Auscultation
- Non-Stress Test
- Contraction Stress Test
- Early Deceleration
- Late Deceleration
- Variable Deceleration
- Fetal Heart Rate Baseline
- Fetal Bradycardia
- Fetal Heart Tone Sinusoidal Pattern
- Fetal Tachycardia
- FHR Variability
- Fetal Movement Count
Lactation Disorders Chapter
- Approach
- Breast Feeding
- Breast Feeding Technique
- Lactation Vitamin Supplementation
- Problems
- Breast Feeding Problems for the Infant
- Lactation for Infant with Cleft Lip or Palate
- Lactation for the Premature Infant
- Breast Feeding Problems for the Mother
- Inducing Lactation in Adoptive Mothers
- Nipple Soreness in Lactation
- Information Resources
- Lactation Resources
- Staff
- Hospital Support for Lactation
- Suppression
- Lactation Suppression
LAD Chapter
- Admit
- Emergency Department Active Labor Presentation
- Labor and Delivery Admission
- Delivery
- Delivery Note
- Fetal Disorders
- Nonreassuring Fetal Status
- Amnioinfusion
- Fetal Malpresentation
- Breech Presentation
- Breech Delivery
- External Cephalic Version
- Compound Presentation
- Brow Presentation
- Face Presentation
- Occiput Posterior
- Shoulder Presentation
- Umbilical Cord Prolapse
- Shoulder Dystocia
- Shoulder Dystocia Management
- Labor Induction
- Labor Induction
- Cervical Ripening
- Natural Childbirth
- Non-Pharmacologic Pain Control in Labor
- Bradley Method
- Labor Coaching
- Doula
- Hypnosis in Labor
- Lamaze Method
- Planned Out-Of-Hospital Birth
- Stage
- First Stage of Labor
- Failure to Progress
- Active Management of Labor
- Prevention of Labor Dystocia
- Spontaneous Vaginal Delivery
- Arrest of the Second Stage of Labor
- Preparation for Assisted Delivery
- Forceps Assisted Delivery
- Vacuum Assisted Delivery
- Third Stage of Labor
- Postpartum Hemorrhage
- Retained Placenta
- Uterine Disorders
- Uterine Inversion
- Uterine Rupture
Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Chapter
- Antepartum Disorders
- Prenatal Lab
- Fetal Fibronectin
- AmniSure ROM Test
- Vaginal Fluid Ferning
- Vaginal Fluid pH
- Vaginal Pooling
- Hemorrhage
- Modified Apt Test
- Endocrinology
- Unconjugated Estriol
- Pregnancy Test
- Confirmation of Non-Pregnant State
- Fetal Disorders
- Antenatal Screening
- Quad Screen
- Placental Cell-Free DNA
- Fetal Lung Maturity
- Fetal Scalp pH
- Fetal Scalp Stimulation
- Umbilical Cord Blood Gas Analysis
- Hematology and Oncology
- Kleihauer-Betke
- Infectious Disease
- GBS Culture
Pharmacology Chapter
- Antepartum Disorders
- Methotrexate Ectopic Protocol
- Medications in Pregnancy
- Over-The-Counter Medications in Pregnancy
- Tocolytic
- Ritodrine
- Terbutaline
- Prenatal Vitamin
- Fetal Disorders
- Fetal Hydantoin Syndrome
- Hematology and Oncology
- RhoGAM
- Lactation Disorders
- Medications in Lactation
- Breast Pump
- Active Labor Anesthesia
- Epidural Anesthesia
- Intrathecal Morphine
- Paracervical Block
- Pudendal Block
- Labor Sedation
- Cervical Ripening Agents
- Dinoprostone
- Uterotonic Medication
- Carboprost
- Ergonovine
- Methylergonovine
- Oxytocin
Radiology Chapter
- Fetal Disorders
- Radiation Exposure in Pregnancy
- Ultrasound
- Obstetric Ultrasound
- Trisomy Findings on Fetal Ultrasound
- Nuchal Translucency
- First Trimester Ultrasound
- Second Trimester Ultrasound
- Fetal Abdominal Circumference
- Fetal Biparietal diameter
- Fetal Femur Length
- Fetal Head Circumference
- Ultrasound Exam of Cervical Length
- Umbilical Cord Cyst
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Gestational Hypertension
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Peripartum Cardiomyopathy
Preeclampsia Delivery Indications
Preeclampsia Prevention
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Atopic Eruption of Pregnancy
Dermatologic Medications in Pregnancy
Hyperpigmentation in Pregnancy
Impetigo Herpetiformis
Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy
Pemphigoid Gestationis
Pruritic Urticarial Papules and Plaques of Pregnancy
Pruritus in Pregnancy
Skin Conditions of Pregnancy
Striae Gravidarum
Diabetes Mellitus Preconception Counseling
Endocrine Medications in Pregnancy
Gestational Diabetes
Gestational Diabetes Insulin Management
Gestational Diabetes Insulin Management Intrapartum
Gestational Diabetes Management
Gestational Diabetes Perinatal Mortality
Hyperthyroidism in Pregnancy
Hypothyroidism in Pregnancy
Postpartum Thyroiditis
Thyroid Dysfunction in Pregnancy